Indoor Cycling
Why Home Cycling?
Our outdoor recumbent cycling program has repeatedly shown significant benefits to people living with a brain injury. The problem however is a cycle centre may not always be easily accessible. By developing the stationary home-based recumbent cycle (VRcycle) we can now bring the benefits of the outdoor cycling into the homes of people with a severe brain injury.
What is the VRcycle?
The VRcycle is built using a recumbent exercise bike that has been modified to include hand brakes, steering, blinkers and the monitoring of pedal rotation. As the Rider pedals and steers the computer APP displays an Avatar of the Rider moving and meeting challenges in a range of different cartoon environments.

As the Rider begins to improve across a range of different measured criteria such as visual perception and response time then the algorithm identifies the improvement and notifies the APP to set new more appropriate challenges.

The computer APP is designed to be displayed on either a Tablet, projected onto a wall or in virtual reality mode.
How can I or my client access the vrcycle?
A number of VRcycles are located in specialist Rehabilitation facilities where you can test the VRcycle. We can then arrange to have a machine installed into your home. If you are on an NDIS plan then your physiotherapist or OT can fill in an Assistive Technology Request form and submit it to the NDIS which will then cover the weekly rental fee.

To organise a demonstration please send us a message via the Contact page
How can I monitor progress?

As a Carer or family member who is monitoring the progress of a Client using the VRcycle then simply log onto the Fresh Tracks site and you can monitor the progress of one or more of your Clients.

From the dashboard you can quickly see when their last ride was, how many times they have used the VRcycle over the selected period and for how long they have ridden.

The graph displays how they have progressed across the five Abilities which are being monitored. These Ability scores are also displayed in a ‘Radar chart” allowing a comparison between each of the five games the Rider can play.